Swimming Pool Heat Pumps

Swimming Pool Heat Pumps are the most popular pool heating method. We sell standard heat pumps with the latest R32 Gas and the latest Inverter Heat Pumps. Inverter Swimming Pool Heat Pumps offer substantial savings with COP of upto 15. Inverter Heat Pumps are also Ultra Quiet. World Of Pools only sells the heat pumps that we have checked and tested ourselves. We stock Hydropro, Waterco, Calorex, DanthermHeatseeker, Rio & Garden Pac. Norsup full inverter heat pumps are available from our retail shop.  Call us for more information, we know our heat pumps inside out, trust their reliability and can recommend with conviction which will be best for you and how you use your pool.
  • Hydropro P8/32 Swimming Pool Heat Pump 
  • Suitable For All Year Use If Sized Correctly - Call For Advice
  • Hydropro P8 - Maximum 30m3 Pool - Summer Use
  • 2 Years Parts & Labour Warranty
  • 7 Years Compressor & Heat Exchanger Warranty
  • We Price Match & Ship Same Day


Hydropro P8/32 Heat Pump is ideally sized for a 15ft x 48" Above Ground Pool to extend the Swimming season from May to September. A good Solar Cover must be used in conjunction with the heater

Hydro Pro P8 Heat Pump

Ideal Pool Size 15ft x 48" Round

Maximum Pool Size 20ft x 12ft x 4ft Oval

Hydropro P8 Swimming Pool Heat Pumps are capable of both heating and cooling and will perfectly suit small pools with a maximum volume of water of 30m3 if used during the main summer months. Outside of the main Summer months, the heat pump should be used on smaller pools. Realistically, the Hydropro P8 could heat a pool with a capacity of 15m3 All Year Round, if insulated properly.

Using the Hydropro P8/32 to heat your pool for an extended season of May to September we would suggest that your pool is a maximum size of 15ft round x 48" deep.

The HydroPro P range of heat pumps has a working ambient air temperature of  –5 degrees Celcius, although at this temperature reduced C.O.P. and output is reduced. It might not seem that you need to heat your pool in low temperatures but having a Swimming Pool Heat Pump that will not cut out when the air temperature reaches 8 or 10 degrees Celcius has huge benefits at the beginning and end of the Extended Swimming Season. At these times of the year the morning and evening air temperatures can be as low as 5 degrees Celcius. When other heat pumps will stop working the Hydropro P8/32 will still be heating your pool for you to use whenever you want to. 

Outside installation is required for the Hydropro P8 to function correctly. Reduced airflow, both in or out, will dramatically reduce performance

With over 15 Years experience sizing and supplying Swimming Pool Heat Pumps we can provide Expert advice and save you a massive 80% on your heating bills. The Hydropro P8/32 Swimming Pool Heat Pump is despatched on the Same Day as ordering.

For help and advice on sizing your heat pump correctly call 01322 554 870

Hydropro P8/32 Swimming Pool Heat Pump - Users Manual English

Hydropro P8/32 Swimming Pool Heat Pump - COP Curve


 Hydropro P Series Heat Pump Diagram

Hydropro P8/32 Heat Pump Data


heating power input

1.32 kW

heating capacity (A27/W27)

8.31 kW

heating capacity (A15/W26)

5.71 kW

maximum volume of pool

with good insulation


30,000 Litres

running current

5.9 AMPS

coefficient (C.O.P.)  at A27/W27


coefficient (C.O.P.)  at A15/W25






fan quantity


fan power input


fan rotate speed

850 RPM

fan direction


noise level (10 metres)

42 dB (A)

water connection


nominal water flow

3 m/h3

dimensions (L/W/H)

95cm / 35cm / 60cm

unit shipping dimensions (L/W/H)

97cm  / 37cm / 62cm

net weight/ shipping weight

47 KG

slow fuse current

15  AMPS

  • Hydropro P8 Swimming Pool Heat Pump
  • Suitable For All Year Round Use If Sized Correctly
  • Hydropro P8 Summer Use Up To 30m3 - All Year 15m3
  • 2 Year Parts & Labour Warranty
  • We Price Match & Ship Same Day