DELIVERY: iFLO Pumps are sent out via a specialist carrier. Delivery will normally take between 1-3 days, but please allow 5 working days in some extreme cases.
RETURNS: iFLO Swimming Pool Pumps can be returned to us, in compliance with the Consumer Contracts Regulations, unused and in their original packaging, suitable for resale, within 14 days from date of delivery. Returns should always be sent via "Signed For" carrier or postal service.
When a return is received back into our warehouse our returns department confirm that everything is present and that the item is in its original condition, to make sure it is eligible for a refund. We will process the refund normally on the same day we take them in, but please allow up to a maximum of 14 working days for the money to reach your bank or credit card. It is unlikely to take this long but due to reasons such as bank delays or errors, this may occasionally occur.
iFlo Pool Pump .75hp
The iFLo .75hp Swimming Pool Pump is a direct replacement for the StaRite 5P2R and is great value for money.The iFlo Pool Pumps have a heavy duty, air cooled motor and robust pump casing has been engineered to last which means it has a failure rate of virtually zero.
The iFlo Pool Pump have a proven reliability and offer outstanding value against alternative pumps of the same quality. One great feature the iFlo pumps has is the oversized pump strainer basket, this is self-priming and has a high load impeller to allow it to cope with the most demanding of jobs. Next Day delivery available