Fi-Clor pH & Alkalinity Reducer 2kg For Hot Tubs

by Fi-Clor
    • Fi-Clor Spa pH & Alkalinity Reducer
    • 2kg Container of Dry Acid
    • Lowers the pH and Alkalinity of Spa Water
    • Rapid Dissolving and Fast acting
    • Comes with Measuring Scoop


    Fi-Clor Spa pH & Alkalinity Reducer 2kg is an essential product if you need to reduce the pH and Alkalinty levels in your spa. It is important to check the water balance at least twice a week and adjust accordingly. If you have a high pH above 7.6 you should use Fi-Clor pH and Alkalinity reducer to take the pH and alkalinity to the correct level.

    The 2kg container comes with a handy scoop and the Fi-clor granules do not need to be pre dissolved so this product is easy to use and is fast acting. The Granules are rapid dissolving for fast pH adjustment  

    As an example dosage is 11g per 1000 liters but you should read instructions on the container for full information on use